The Complicated Birth Order of Jackie Gleason

The Complicated Birth Order of Jackie Gleason

Given the title of “The Great One” by Orson Welles, Jackie Gleason did not disappoint. You could tell just by looking at him that he was a man that loved good food, and the good life.  The stories of his wild partying, drinking, and the company of beautiful women was common knowledge.

We remember him as Ralph Kramden in The Honeymooners, but there were more shows. Cavalcade of Stars, The Jackie Gleason Show, American Scene Magazine, and multiple movies. His role as Minnesota Fats in The Hustler, like his role in The Honeymooners, was not far from his real life’s experience.

Early Life

Herbert Walton Gleason Jr. was born February 26, 1916. His older brother Clement was eleven years older. This eleven-year gap gave both of the boys Double Birth orders, they would each have been treated like Only children. Clement was an Only/One and Jackie an Only/Two.  His mother named him Jackie and when his brother died, he was only three years old. His brother’s death made Jackie an Only child.

An Only child’s biggest influence is his parents.  His father left the family when he was nine and he and his mother had to survive with little money. Her Three/Only Double birth order had to imprint some of her traits on Jackie. His mother, Mae Kelly, had a very strong personality; she “henpecked” her husband, possibly leading to him deserting the family.

Jackie’s Birth Order 

Jackie, as an Only child born second, and having a mother that had a Three/Only birth order made him a complicated person.  The Only influence gave him great self-confidence and the ability to over-come his difficult early life.  The Two birth order allowed him to control his own space, “Don’t tell me what to do,” and would not let obstacles stand in his way.

The Three trait gave him his interest in music and the preforming arts. Not only would he entertain on stage but would record a number of albums featuring “mood music.” He would enjoy acting and being the life of the party. All this was Jackie!

Marriages and Family

Jackie married three times, first to Genevieve Halford with whom he had two daughters. Divorced in 1970 he married Beverly Gleason, divorced in 1975 his last marriage was to Marilyn Gleason until his death in 1987.

It is interesting to note that Marilyn was eight years younger than her older sister, giving her the Only/Two birth order, the same as Jackie. Can we say, “Love at first sight?” Jackie said of his love for Marilyn, “It had a perfect happy ending and everybody fell in Love.”

His Personality

His father left the family when Jackie was nine; he was then kept at home by an overprotective mother. He did not start school until he was eight years old. By the time he was twelve he was hustling pool. He quit school before graduating and became a master of ceremonies at a theater.

He also worked as a stunt driver, carnival barker and bartender. Gleason was not an affable drunk but mean-spirited and nasty. A brilliant performer, he was not easy to work with. He had high salary demands and asked for outrageous perquisites.

He hated rehearsing and when drinking had abrupt mood swings- charming one minute screaming the next. He was renowned for his total mastery and control over each production detail and insisted on the credit for the show.

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Jackie’s Quotes

“I have no use for humility, I am a fellow with an exceptional talent. “The worst thing you can do with money is save it.” “I’m no alcoholic.  I am a drunkard. There is a difference. A drunkard doesn’t like to go to meetings.” “How sweet it is.” “One of these days, one of these days, POW right in the kisser.”

He might have wanted to send Alice in the Honeymooners …”.to the moon Alice,” but on the riser of the second step from the top at his grave-site is his classic phrase “AND AWAY WE GO”