Abraham Lincoln’s Birth Order – What Can We Learn?

Understanding birth order and its predictable personality characteristics can help you “unmask” your ancestors that you have never met.

Let’s take a look at Abraham Lincoln, our 16th President.

He had a number two birth order.

He had a sister Sara that was 2 years older.

We know the #2 can be a good athlete and that was true of Lincoln.

As a young man he was very successful as a wrestler and log splitter.

The number two does not like to be told what to do and holds on to their convictions.  The Civil War was a test of this characteristic and Lincoln held his ground and kept the Union together.

Since we used Lincoln as our example, we cannot forget his assassin John Wikes Booth.

He had a Double Birth Order, carrying both the characteristics of a Firstborn and a Third born.

As a Firstborn, he wanted to be in charge and took the role of the leader in the plot to assassinate the President.

His Third born characteristics allowed him to be a very successful actor; it also drove him to feel he wanted to save the world.

His belief in his cause would drive him to kill the President.  The South had lost the War and for Booth the only way to save the world was to kill Lincoln.

I am Dr. Robert Hurst author of Life’s Fingerprint: How Birth Order Affects Your Path Throughout Life. I have been an Orthodontist for over 50 years and have been observing my patients from childhood to adulthood and beyond. My patients call me Dr. Bob.