What is Birth Order?
Birth order is the position you were born into as a child in your family. However, it’s not that simple. Gaps in between siblings and blended families add layers to understanding your REAL birth order. Read more here.
What evidence is there for Birth Order?
Birth order has been studied by the scientific community starting in the early 1900s. However, my own findings over 50 years of working with families found there are nuances to birth order that address many of the common issues surrounding birth order as it relates to finding your TRUE birth order. Read more here. Take a look at you family photo album and see who has the most photos.
Tell me a little bit about the traditional birth orders.
What happens when families are bigger than 4 children?
Large families with 4 or more children start the birth order sequence all over again. The difference is similar to primary and secondary colors. The color is the same the intensity is not. Click here to read more.
How do you use birth order in your Orthodontic office?
I have used birth order to understand how I may solicit cooperation from my patients. Every birth order will adapt to Orthodontic treatment differently. I can stay one step ahead of them if I know their birth order. I am still learning after over 50+ years of working with teenagers. Click here to read more.
How did you find Double Birth Orders?
By observing many instances where traditional birth order theory didn’t match up to the behaviors I observed. I took a closer look at the families of my patients and found that over 60% had children spaced four or more years apart. That’s when I developed the theory of Double Birth Order. Click here to read more.
Can you give us some examples of People with Double Birth Orders?
See our blog for countless stories about real people with Double Birth Orders. Click here to read more.
How can someone find their “Real” birth order?
Scroll to the bottom of this page and answer the questions listed to find your Real birth order.
Tell us a little about research about birth order and the flaws you see.
I share a complete review of these issues in this article.
What happens to children when families divorce and remarry?
In short, birth orders reset to support the blended family structure .Some children move up in number some move down. No one likes to get demoted.
How can families use birth order in family planning?
The spacing between siblings will allow you to plan a close cohesive family or many separate families with little cohesion. Using Birth Order can let you know what the future holds before you add a birth to your family or adopt a child. Click here to read more.
How can parents use birth order to understand their children?
All your children are not alike. They are different and want to be different. Find their Real birth order and understand their inner characteristics.
Can you use birth order to find the love of your life?
Absolutely! Read this blog post to see how.
How can you use birth order in your job or in a business?
Birth order has huge applications in all types of work environments, especially in the area of HR. Click here to read our guide.
Why is your book on birth order different than any others I can find?
To my knowledge, this book is the first one to introduce the concept of Double Birth Order as the Rosetta Stone to understanding everyone’s birth order. Examples of birth orders of people you know using all the gender combinations will allow you to find your family.https://lifesfingerprint.com/double-birth-order/
Are the viral birth order social media stories accurate?
They’re fun, but not super accurate in terms of the actual lessons to be learned. Click here to read why.
How can we find out more information on this subject?
Buy my book! Click here to order online.