How Far Will a #2 Go To Get Their Way?

A friend of mine told me a story about his early years when his parents sent him off to another country to attend school.

He is a number two birth order and doesn’t like to be told what to do.

He was so homesick and wanted to come home and thought if he pretended to be sick, he would be sent home, so he faked a stomachache.

He said that he may have gone too far because the doctor took out his appendix and he did not get to go home after all.

The number two birth order wants to control his own space and will do almost anything to achieve this goal. Do not try to change a number two and that is why many people call this birth order position stubborn.

I am Dr. Robert Hurst author of Life’s Fingerprint: How Birth Order Affects Your Path Throughout Life. I am an Orthodontist and have been observing my patients for over 50 years seeing how their birth orders affected their lives.

I would like to share with you how I use birth order to help my patient’s see who they are and why they act the way, they do.