Congressman Paul Ryan
One of the rising stars of the Republican Party is Paul Ryan from Wisconsin. He made an historical television appearance when he and other Republicans were invited to the White House for a discussion on the Health Care Bill. Ryan came prepared with the 2000 plus pages of the bill and notes about many of it’s polices.
The interesting exchange between himself and the President fell just slightly short of confrontation. If we look at his birth order we find he is a Four/Only. The youngest, of his three older siblings is five years older them himself. His father died when he was 16 years old and he was the last one living at home with his mother.
As he said, “It was just the two of us, since my siblings were off in college.” As the fourth born he was the true baby in the family but since he spent so many years home alone with his mother he added the power of the Only child to his birth order.
Related:Charles Rangel his Double Birth Order and why he won’t Step Down
He realized early in life that you have to work for whatever you want. As the baby in the family this is a very unusual position for the fourth born with no older siblings to help him. All the added power and characteristics of the Only child was a great benefit.
He is well liked and that goes along with his fourth born characteristics but he can also be in your face having no fear of those older or those in power. This is what he gets from the Only side of his Double Birth Order. Look for further confrontations as he can make those in power very uncomfortable. He may be one of the younger congressmen but don’t be fooled by his age. We should be seeing a lot more of him in the future.